15 Aug

Landscaping Tasks to Tackle Before Fall

Landscaping Tasks to Tackle Before Fall

August and early September are a great time to tackle some specific landscaping tasks in your Florida landscape. Getting these tasks out of the way now lay the groundwork for successful gardening and lawn care throughout the rest of the year and into the spring.

Landscaping Tasks

Give your roses some tender loving care.

If you have some rose bushes, you’re going to want to give them extra special attention this month. Add fertilizer, especially if you have not done so yet this growing season. You should also prune away dead, diseased, or insect ridden parts of the plants so that they can be healthy. If you’re lucky you might get another bloom out of your rose bushes before they go dormant.

Day lilies should be divided and replanted now.

If you have a garden of day lilies, now is the time to divide and replant them. Try to keep as much of the roots as possible while transplanting. Adding peat moss to the soil bed can help make your plantings successful.

Crepe myrtles could also still produce a bloom.

If you trim back spent blooms and prune away the terminal seed cluster, you could get another bloom out of these plants this year.

Test your soil and get an assessment of the health of your lawn.

The pH of your soil, as well as other factors, can make a big difference in the health of the plants and grass that you carefully maintain. Contact a professional landscaping service to evaluate your lawn and address problem areas.